Shaun Chavis's Fundraiser

Support DISCO's Epic Read-a-Thon!
A 10-hour, nonstop, out loud, live-streamed, community reading in support of writing programs for children & teens in Birmingham, AL.
Hey! If you know me well, you know I was a founding board member of the Desert Island Supply Company (DISCO), and that I co-launched an annual food blogging conference to raise funds for this super-creative writing center for children and teens.
And if you know me really well, you know that literacy and creativity are important to me. My paternal grandfather was a North Carolina sharecropper who only had a 6th-grade education. But he and my grandmother believed education is the bridge to equality, and they made sure their sons finished school. My father and uncle continued to learn and earned advanced degrees, studying at Boston University and UMass Amherst.
My dad and uncle did great things in their lives. Because of their journeys, I believe everyone should have a good education—and have the opportunity to tap into their creative selves and explore their own potential.
I'm going to read during DISCO's readathon, and I'll hope you'll support us! Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Desert Island Supply Co.