Brian Connell

Brian Connell's Fundraiser

The Desert Island Supply Co. is the coolest.  image

The Desert Island Supply Co. is the coolest.

Please help us expand the Woodlawn Writers Corps to reach more students!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$580 towards $500

If you've ever worked with me, played music with me, or been a student in my class, you probably know how much I value creativity. I believe that when we create things, we find meaning in our lives, we inspire each other, and we make the world better.

Working at DISCO this year has been a dream come true for me. This place is special and combines so many things I love (teaching, learning, working with students, creative writing, music, art, community, live readings, concerts, joy). It's like a greatest hits of my professional life, and I've never felt more personally aligned with the mission of a place where I work.

I am confident that you'd appreciate and love what is happening at DISCO. Let's combine forces and contribute to the goodness in the world! Help us offer more students the opportunity to write and create with the Desert Island Supply Co.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Desert Island Supply Co.