Elizabeth Sturgeon

Elizabeth Sturgeon's Fundraiser

Help support the Woodlawn Writers Corps by donating to my campaign!  image

Help support the Woodlawn Writers Corps by donating to my campaign!

Each donation goes directly to helping students write, grow, and explore.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$730 towards $200

I have been a teaching assistant with Desert Island Supply Co. since my junior year at Samford, and the classes I work with easily become one the most meaningful parts of my week. Through DISCo poetry lessons and workshops, students at Avondale Elementary, Oliver Elementary, and Putnam Middle get to read and write poetry, think creatively about their worlds, and express their personalities, memories, and feelings.

With my English major, I study and analyze poetry in most of my classes. Then, I spend a couple of my mornings in schools where I really see the power of poetry come alive to these kids. Poems can both capture the whimsical, silly mind of an second grader and answer the deep questions of an eight grader. And as DISCo grows, more students can have the opportunity to learn more about creative writing and reading.

It's an inspiring and dynamic program, and you can help me support it by making a tax-deductible donation to the Woodlawn Writers Corps.